Yesterday's photo was taken early in the day, and whilst not a good photograph, it attracted lots of comment and stories of how fellow blippers had taken a certain direction in their lives due to comments from teachers or parents in early life. Really interesting stuff, and I was glad I blipped a "bad" photograph because of this. I took better photos like this one later in the day, which might have attracted more praise, but less in the way of human stories.
One comment I received from stemma was (rather tongue in cheek I believe!) that my artwork showed me to be a budding David Hockney! Anyway, this got me thinking and today I took some photos whilst having a lovely bowl of salad in Green's Station Cafe in Douglas, and have assembled them into a Hockneyesque "Joiner photograph". So stemma, this one's for you! Mr Hockney would put a price tag on this in the order of a couple of hundred grand I should think. You all get this one for free! :) Best click on the "view large" button to see it in full glory.
This morning I headed up to Laxey to take photos for a new website for a B&B and Tearooms; worked well til I left to take photos of the local area and it started to rain. Sunny now I am back home. Called in on another couple of old clients in Douglas, and called on Uncle at Greeba on the way home. I am now one hoover, a bowl full of fresh peaches from the green house, and a bunch of gladioli richer :) Neighbours should watch out for Morrissey circa 1983 impressions this evening :O (must get some curtains up!).
Later update: had a brainwave late this afternoon. Wanted a run and was trying to think of somewhere different to go. Thought about driving to a beach and running along it; so checked the tide timetables and it was perfect - low tide. So I drove to Glen Mooar north of Peel, then ran along the beach, past Glen Wyllin, and Kirk Michael (when I was little all these were separate beaches to me, but it's really just different ways of getting to the same beach), then there were miles before the next beach access and there was just me and various sea birds and acres of hard wet sand, perfect for running on. Soooooooooo, liberating and exhilarating. The sky was doing amazing things too; the sun peeking through sometimes casting streaks of light on the sea, and in the distance (thankfully behind me) the sky was ominously black. Hadn't quite reckoned on the wind being against me on the way back though. Then took a short dip in the sea before getting back in the car, where half of last night's pizza was waiting for me! Magic! I think this could be something to repeat :)
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