
By Chaos

Along a Leafy Lane

It is really amazing when the sun is out.

This may sound strange to you but you will have to realize that most days in or around Anchorage are cloud covered or worse. The average or mean number of clear days for Anchorage is only 61 days for the year. That's about 5 days/month.

So yesterday and today just about used up half of the clear blue sky days for October.

The color is mostly on the ground now, but still looks good in the sun.

The best view of the day is from Scintilla. I saw his Alaska Blue Moon even before it was posted. Now it is the desktop image for my laptop. Hehe!

I saw the moon view this morning too, but I didn't have a coat to bunch up to get the right effect, so, alas, I was unable to capture this great view. I am glad Scintilla did!

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