Doll House

By dollhouse

Afternoon at Grimo's House

Grimo's real name isn't really Grimo; however, she never complains when Lucy insists upon calling her by this funny pet-name.

Grimo and Mummy have been friends for years; we met back in the days when we were young and wrinkle-free and used to work together for a French Engineering company (Grimo is French). We were part of a small group of girls, all language graduates, who worked together and became great friends; much fun was had, lots of extra-strong Arabian nights coffee and biscuits were consumed, as well as plenty of wine and champagne on our nights out together! Ah, those were the days!!

Grimo and I have shared lots of fun and laughter and also supported each other through difficult times. We have had many similar experiences over our lives, including many identical health problems; unfortunately, this was also the case when we both tried to have babies and found that we couldn't. When we both began fetility treatment, I was very fortunate, and fell pregnant on the first attempt, whilst poor Grimo had to endure almost five years of failed attemps before she fell pregnant, during which time I was so lucky to have Lucy and Izzy Doll. This time must have been very hard for Grimo, yet she was so happy for us, and so supportive, and became Godmother to both Dolls.

Now, we are all so excited because baby Grimo is due to arrive in just a couple of weeks!! It's been a long journey and I just can't wait to meet her!

Here are Mummy & Izzy, and Lucy, Grimo and the Baby Grimo-Bump.

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