Burning My Bridges

This evening Stine and myself went to Cedar Creek to roller skate at the miniature roller rink there. Rollerblade was #72 on the list! As per the sign its supposed to be rollerblading only but there was several negligent parents and their reckless kids on bikes riding around. Start of Stines bad luck when she almost got run over by a girl on a bike.

When we had gotten our fair share of rollerblading done we went to Rita's. Eat a strawberry custard fudge brownie gelati is on the list so it seemed like a goo place to go. However, the evil man at the counter informed me that I could not have one since they don't have the strawberry custard. He actually wasn't evil since he told me not to cry and that he was very sorry but I was never the less devastated and took my business elsewhere...Marvel or Marshalls the ice cream store way down the road.

Upon arrival in the very crowded parking lot and waiting eternity for a parking spot we promptly got out of the car when I remembered my camera was in the car and asked Stine to make sure she locked it. She responded in Oh yes but my keys are in there. Turning back to the car we find that not only are the keys in the car but they are locked in and in the ignition...which is running. Stupid Stine. Her father had to come rescue us but in the meantime we tried very hard to use a stick through the partially open window to hit the unlock button. Very unsuccesful.

Then later on while we were driving Stine almost hit and would have killed a possum (a very fat one might I add) but luckily I screamed in time for her to swerve and the possum to run.

Lovely. Night.

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"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or to usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky"
-Rabindranath Tagore

(this quote would have gone nicely with yesterdays pic shame...but i really like it)

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