MCS awarded Green flag

Mountain Cambridge School Hartbeespoort was the first school in the North West Province of South Africa to be awarded the 'Green Flag', the International award for being an 'Eco School'!

This is R jnr's school, the Secondary School section was only founded this year, the Primary School was founded about 18 years ago.

We are very proud to have received this award today, which is quite an achievement taking into account how young the school is! We share this achievement with schools all over the world. According to Wikipedia the programme is currently being implemented in 47 countries around the world, involving 32,156 schools, I wonder whether this should be changed to 32,157 schools now? ;-)

I was surprised to find many different countries's websites on the 'Eco Schools' subject! According to South Africa's site it was only implemented here in 2003. Vérrrrry interesting!

This crap quality collage shows some of the entries for the 'Eco fashion parade' held during assembly this morning. I made a collage in Word and took a photo of it! I will get someone to help me to make proper collages soon, and then I will replace this pic, promise!! :-(

Check these out on Flickr, if you wish:
1.R jnr and A
3.Most innovative dress.
4.Jackie Chan
5.Real Eco entries
6.Green Flag awarded.
7.Over all winner for the day.
8.Computer keybord handbag.

The boys entered hats and ties into the competition and the girls surprised us with dresses made of plastic refuge bags, leaves, belts made of magazine pages! The girl with the headmaster on the picture just beneath the green flag pic, made her top from a sunshield for a car's windscreen and kept it in shape with chicken mesh/hexnet. Vérrrry inventive!

I will backblip for the whole weekend on Monday, C&R snr went on a motorbikers t'rip to Swaziland for the long weekend, I really want to blip the great pictures she took at all the beautiful places they see!

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