Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Alone in the crowd.

This is number 6 in my Solitary Reflections series.

The Royal Mile during Festival madness. I took some better pics than this, but this reflects my state of mind more. I don't think I was really in the mood for so many people, I found myself wishing that all the tourists would just go back to wherever they had come from. Not quite the spirit of the festival!

To be honest I don't think it would have been nearly so bad if I hadn't tried to walk through town first. Ugggg. So claustrophobic!

Town + Saturday + August = Crushing Panic combined with Irrational Irritation!

After a rather sweaty walk up the High Street (how hot was it today?!) playing dodge the tourist, I retreated back to the familiar comfy safety of Tea Tree and spent the next three hours drinking icy coffee and finishing another True Blood book.
7 down, 2 to go.

Mrs D if you are reading this I blame you entirely for getting me hooked on those books, I can't pick anything else up until I've finished them. They are like some sort of literary crack cocaine - addictive, anti-social and very bad for you with no discernable plus points in their favour! I use the term 'literary' very loosely indeed.... I'm still reading them though! ;)

Here's the rest of this series so far -

Number 1 - Solitary Reflections

Number 2 - Solitary Reflections II

Number 3 - Open

Number 4 - Stargirl

Number 5 - The Skating Minister

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