Glory is fleeting

By mskitty

Having a wee rest

I took the girls to visit the Aladdin's cave that is The Rejects shop in Kirkcaldy.

Despite the name it actually sells some top items - like these wonderful chairs. The one on the left cost over £900 while the one on the right was about £500, so I'll never own them unless I win the Lottery. But I have to say the one on the right was one of the most comfortable places I've ever parked, so maybe I should start saving my pennies?

This snap was taken with my mobile phone so is in complete contrast to yesterday's blip no.100............

.........Speaking of which - a huge thank you to everyone who was kind enough to stop by and wish me a happy 'blipday' on 7th Aug.
I actually found myself getting quite emotional reading all those nice comments. You're very kind people :)

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