All that I'm after...

By AllThatImAfter

Art in Town VII

"We shall find peace. We shall hear angels. We shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds."
~Anton Chekhov

So rarely does a quote fit a photo perfectly, but in this case, I believe it does. This is "In the Sky with Diamonds" - not my favorite horse so far but an interesting one (and close to the bar) nonetheless. She's shiny but it was hard to capture that when I was there - I liked this one of the many I took because of the colors in the building which echo those in the horse.

Had an okay day at work filled with talking and spending time organizing things in the cold room (walk in refridgerator). The looks on people faces with the tech and I were walking (inside) to Starbucks in sweatshirts [it was ~90F/~33C outside yesterday] were priceless. :)

Then it was off to the bar for the first round of the Monday tourney. We played a team I've subbed on before, which was more fun than it would have been otherwise. We won (barely) and I spent more time diving in the sand than anything, so I brought a lot of it home!

100 tomorrow - have to find something good for that. Luckily I'll be around town in the afternoon for a haircut so I'll have more opportunties than most days... :)

The others in the series are here: I, II, III, IV, V, and VI.

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