My Aim is True


Street food.

had to spend a bit of time today with someone who has huge issues to contend with. It's easy to take for granted how easy our lives are, isn't it.

Later on I had a wee wander home. Popped into The Gardens to see the diners in the sky. I am sure that the view's not going to be very exciting. Diners in Debenhams restaurant probably gets a better view.

Wandered around Potter Row where the best coffee in town is being sold. And bought a wrap at one of the "street food" kiosks. I realised why it's called street food. After ending up with bits of lettuce stuck in my teeth, minced lamb all over my hands, salad dressing dripping off my chin and tsatsiki splattered down my teeshirt; I looked like I had been living on the streets for some considerable time.

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