pictures wot i took

By antlersandall

Popcorn performance

The kids from Popcorn (5-11 year olds) singing their hearts out in the main marquee at the start of the final evening celebration. The song was the very catchy 'Pass It On', but unfortunately I can only find a midi file version.

Should probably explain at some point we've been at Revive! this week, at Ashburnham Place in East Sussex. The theme for the week is "On Eagles' Wings", hence the big bird over the stage.

We've had some utterly fantastic teaching and worship this week. The most special part of it for me though is spending time with people we see every week, but don't get to be with often. Late nights around a campfire (ok, bucket barbecue) when the kids have all gone to bed, and we can sit and chat with a few beers or glasses of vino, and watch as the staid sensible ones amongst us decided to intubate themselves with glowsticks up their noses...

Slight moment of disaster today when TPD tried to inflate the tyre on the trailer and it wouldn't hold any air. Wondering how we'd get all the way back home with only one wheel on our wagon, TPD and a friend headed in to Bexhill to try and find a spare, leaving me to pack the car. Think he was surprised I'd managed it (with a little lot of help from my friends), because I'm not normally permitted to do such a task (after all, I can't even be trusted to fill the dishwasher properly..). The camping shop didn't have anything, Halfords had the wrong sort for our old trailer, but if you're ever passing Brett's Tyres in the backstreets of Bexhill, say thank you to him for us :-D

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