
By spitzimixi

6 year old sidekick

"we could take a potato and make a piano out of it and then not learn how to play it"
*she fills a plastic bag with garden debris*
"I'm in the garden group, we make snowmen"
*she shouts at Sam the dog*
"I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to Adrian"
*Adrian's not here*
"I fell in the pond but it's OK, I had knickers on"
"sometimes I have so much in my head, my brain has to work really hard to sort it all out. It's a right mess in there you know. Like my bedroom"

I had help in the garden today. I didn't have to think of one silly thing myself - I had my sidekick to do that for me. I did have to do all the gardening though because she doesn't want to help me any more.

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