
By worldlens

Cooking Lessons

N taught me to cook Thai omelets today. First we had to get everything set up: a propane burner in the middle of the common area, newspaper all around it to keep the mess to a minimum, a giant wok, oil, a flipping utensil, a giant slotted spoon, and the egg mixture of course (eggs, chopped onion, thin slices of cabbage, cubes of jello-y egg something, and spices.) Once the oil was hot in the wok a cupful of egg mixture was poured in. We kept it from sticking by moving it around and rotating it while the first side was cooking. Then the scary part...flipping it over. As long as the first side was cooked enough the omelet usually held together fine during the flipping. When both sides were brown we took it out of the wok with a giant slotted spoon and let any remaining oil drip. We were making them for about 50 people. Although my first one came out only OK, by the 25th one, I was a pro.

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