Comme Ci Comme Ca

By iamsuperjulie


Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.

~John Lubbock

EDIT: -- I see him almost everyday at the park with his dog and his hat.. he's always without shirt sitting on one of the benches. But today, I saw him here lying on the grass, slowly waving his hand into the air and feeling the morning breeze.. I sat on a bench right across to him and wondered if I should ask him for a picture or I'll just push my shutter without him knowing. When I'm about to get up, I saw him smiling like he was talking to himself. I looked for his dog but I could not find it.. I wonder what happened to the dog. Dead? Lost? All I have are assumptions.. I decided not to walk closer to him, I used my zoom hoping I could take a good shot of his face but then I noticed how thin he was when he's lying like this.. his ribcage gave me chills but despite of his unshaved face, his closed eyes and his smile gave me hope that he's still living a life that he deserves.

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