The Blip goggles

I was up bright and early for a walk around Newcastle before most people were up and took a few photos I quite liked but then I got to the station on my way back home and saw some reflections on a glass wall at the platform. Not the kind of thing I'd have spotted a couple of years ago pre-blip probably. But with the Blip goggles on constantly nowadays I grabbed the camera again and leaned into the wall and here's the result. It means the collage of bizarre Newcastle alleyway names will have to wait for another day but I'm sure that's no great loss.

Quick stop off at a friend's house in Dunbar where I'd ditched my car and then back home for scoff with the family.

If anyone is interested in seeing swing bridges being photographed by strangers then I do urge you to go to yesterday's back blip immediately. Everyone else can move along.

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