Blue Planet Photography

By blueplanetphoto

Shoot cancelled

Was supposed to have a session with a couple of my fine art figure models this evening, but it started to snow, then the roads iced up. Took me 45 minutes to drive 6 miles and still had 14 to go. Called the girls and told them to stay home. I turned around and took another 60 minutes to drive back. Stopped at the parking lot of the local events center to take some shots. Got accosted by the security dude who told me someone reported me doing donuts. I admit I did drive in a roughly circular path, but doing donuts doesn't leave perfect tire tracks. I was standing there with camera in hand next to my tripod while I explained I was photographing. He humored me, patting me on the shoulder and saying, "well, this isn't the place to be doing it" meaning donuts. I was done, anyway, and continued home. There was an MG doing donuts as I pulled in. He didn't seem to be interested in that, though. He raced off lights ablaze after another "offender" once he determined I'd been adequately warned.

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