Aperture Science

By stevie

Variation on a Theme

I know i know i can hear the collective groan and sigh from here, 'Not another long Exposure shot!' But long working days kinda leave me with little alternative (my job isn't exactly the type that would allow cameras on the 'job')

The vast majority of my long expos have been the result of motorway flyovers and th results are more than predictable re. here and here

This one is however is different in that i stood in the cold and the dark, alone on some country back road with the camera on a ruddy fencepost with some perplexed cows drawing me daggers to try and capture more curves and movement in the trails. It was bluddy freezing!

Qualifies for Assignment18 i reckon??

Got some other shots that i might post links to at my leisure ;-)

What i wouldn't give for a tripod and an DSLR... as Benek says....;-)


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