jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Ben's Bag

We must have looked a funny pair walking to the shops this morning. Ben had blue wellies and his brown parka on, I had my brown boots and a blue raincoat on, both of us with shopping bags, and both wearing jeans. I swear it wasn't deliberate to be so co-ordinated!

He walked all the way to the shop down the road, pulling his little orange bag behind him. He tolerated being put in the trolley to go round the shop; he was not too pleased at his bag being hung up on the trolley, but he held on to the groceries and unloaded them at the checkout. I think he enjoys helping.

We saw a train on the way home, and then tiredness overcame him and by the time we got back to the house he was gearing up for a full-scale tantrum which lasted nearly half an hour, couldn't make head nor tail about what the problem was, he couldn't decide whether he wanted a cuddle or not, screamed and screamed and screamed and eventually calmed down with a booby cuddle. I suspect tiredness, wanting to go out to play, hunger, wanting to see more trains, all of this contributed.

We went out to PLAY (indoor soft play) this afternoon, after he'd calmed down and had something to eat. Met up with friends, had a manic time chasing him around the older kids' area (the other indoor play place was closed today so EVERYBODY had come to PLAY and it was HEAVING) and came home.

He's finally asleep. I've promised him pizza and biscuits and brioche and juice when he wakes up. Time to have a cup of tea and a blip!

PS Here's a clip of Ben serenading me this morning :) He really does make me smile, tantrums are very very rare!

In between all that, Chris (back-blipped from yesterday) texted me to say his flight had been delayed, and eventually his 8.10am flight left at gone 4pm. I am furious. I'm so glad he decided not to sleep at the airport last night. The flight he booked on for this morning was nearly 3 times the cost of the evening flights (which are expensive enough when you have no money to spare), and they gave people a £16 voucher to use in the restaurants for the inconvenience. I am pretty mad. An 8 hour delay and £16 to compensate??!!

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