
By tookie

Big Spokane Move

This was the big move over to Spokane. Goose led our entourage in the Honda civic and Gander drove the Penske truck with me riding shotgun! The ride was overall very smooth with Gander doing great on his first cross state Penski drive and Goose leading us flawlessly. We saw windmills, the horses statues that over look the vast Columbia River, the River itself, and views of the Eastern Wasthington farmlands and dust bowls! The terrain across the state of Washington goes from Pacific Northwest rainlands and lush green to the drier and more deserted farmlands of the eastern side. It's all beautiful and the kids are all settled into their little townhouse in Cheney, Wa. where Goose will go to Graduate School for her MSW. I was happy to be an integral part of their move:) and know they are going to be just fine over there!!!

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