Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Mummy & Daddy Always promised me the world

Never thought they meant quite like this though,
I now have the whole world in my hand,
to do as I will,
to control as I will,
first I will make all mickey mouses, mine,
then I will crown Lyra and Katie and Claudia and finally Paloma
Queens along side me,
Edit to add. OK I'm sure we can fit a king in here some were, so at request we welcome Noah

So our plans of world domination can be started,
New Rules to be discussed!

Be warned babies are taking over!!!

Ok Big edit to add that these babies can be princesses and princes
~the dolls

Mummy is sure there is many she missed, But she thinks the point has been made....

The Babies are ready to take over!

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