
By AnnelieHberg

The competition, vote if you want!

I have news. IF you want to vote you CAN vote. I emailed the local newspaper and asked. As long as you type in correct adress, name and email it is ok, everyone can vote even outside sweden, I am so excited!

So, if you would like to vote (I will never see your adress) then click on this LINK and scroll down.

I will translate:

Namn: NAME
Adress: ADRESS (lol) (street name)
Postadress: LIke the postal code and the name of the town + country i assume.
E-post: Email adress.

The 1-10 is the numbers and mine is number 8...(if you missed that, haha)

Of course I will understand if you find another picture there who you think is better.

I am so excited tonight so i cannot even find a blip object except Maxi, as usual. Here he want to show me how much he would like me to win.. (But I dont ever dare to think that way).

Thank you so so much for your comments and i apologize for my lack of commenting. Life is spinning so fast right now.. Bare with me, soon it is weekend!

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