Toe Up Socks

So the latest bout of winter crafts commences, and this year the lucky lucky winner was Toe Up Socks....after all why would I not attempt something have never done before??

This blip is of my first attempt EVER to do something called The Figure Of Eight Cast On.

In order not to have a seam that would worry and vex your delicate toes, you have to magically cast on and knit two rows, simultaneously using three needles, (and then a fourth) all with two pointy ends and then somehow you just keep knitting and it turns itself into toe shaped bag!

It seems to have worked, as having googled there are many varied and very useful idiot step by step, plain english helpful instructions on the www.

Having had this attempt I shall begin again and apply this technique to the pattern in question.

No doubt you will all be thrilled to witness the progression of this project.

**WARNING!!** : please no one hold their breath as last year's sock project is still in the work basket waiting the left sock. ....still if either of my feet drop off anytime soon I shall have the perfect monoped solution. :D

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