As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Let's start at the very beginning...

...a very good place to start!

After seeing my friend's Blipfoto about her senior year, I decided to make one of my high school career and hopefully beyond that.

(If you didn't know, the title for today's entry is from The Sound of Music)

So today was my first day of high school! It was basically what I expected: "Parent's name's here, e-mail address there..." BORING! I can't wait until the year really gets going! I think that I got really lucky with my teachers save for a few select individuals...oh well. I'm going to be really busy this year with Cross Country and all of the clubs I signed up for (I think 9?) so hopefully I'll be able to do this everyday!

This is just a flower from my backyard...nothing special.

Song of The Day: Just Breathe by Pearl Jam

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