Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Dead Frenchman Running.....

this is a direct transcript of a conversation between two geographically proximate blippers.

The names have been changed, to protect the innocent.

If you are of a sensitive disposition, click on some lame fluffy journal NOW!!!

That sounds very good
[20:52:36Some soon to be dead Frenchman.: except it's in the Workingman's club
[20:52:46] SSTBDF: and i've nver done a tap in my life
[20:53:02] SSTBDF: off for my run
[20:53:12] SSTBDF: half marathon on sat morning
[20:53:22] SSTBDF: can't back out of that one
[20:53:37] SSTBDF: wh
[20:53:43] Bryan Mulhall: go the fuck away out of that
[20:53:51] SSTBDF: the kids are too excited
[20:54:06] SSTBDF: went to pick my race number 2 weeks ago
[20:54:17] SSTBDF: and Mimi and Luca were saying out loud
[20:54:20] Bryan Mulhall: you should be cardiac arrested
[20:54:27]SSTBDF: Daddy we know you are going to win
[20:54:32] SSTBDF: we will be so proud of you
[20:54:47] SSTBDF: that was in front of super fit kenyan types
[20:54:52] Bryan Mulhall: you dim fuck. You will DIE!
[20:54:57] SSTBDF: who were strugglinh not to laugh
[20:55:02] SSTBDF: I'll show the fuckers
[20:55:08] SSTBDF: for MY KIDS!
[20:55:18] SSTBDF: (and (your future wife) can collect the life insurance
[20:56:39] Bryan Mulhall: I'll knobble the fuckers for you. I've seen that film Zulu. I can be Micheal Caine. He is Ginger too, (or was then at least. How did that hoor survive in Africa?)
[20:57:19] Bryan Mulhall: I am going to blip this convo, with names deleted...
[20:57:33] SSTBDF: ok fine
[20:57:53] SSTBDF: but i keep copyrights on my half you ginger bollix
[20:58:13] Bryan Mulhall: show a modicum of enthuasiasm, you soon to be dead French bed wetter.
[20:58:13] SSTBDF: was going to use the kids conversation for my saturday write up
[20:58:21] SSTBDF: (if i survive)
[20:58:27] Bryan Mulhall: you wont.
[20:58:43] SSTBDF: just to annoy you
[20:58:51] SSTBDF: I fucking will
[20:59:10] SSTBDF: and run a lap of victory around phoenix park
[20:59:14] Bryan Mulhall: Good thing I got the Black Suit cleaned. ow long is the official Widow Mourning Period nowadays?
[20:59:19] SSTBDF: before collapsong in the zoo
[20:59:53] Bryan Mulhall: you will fit right in. Yet another cheese eating cheese-monkey
[21:00:04] SSTBDF: going now, beware kilbarrack, runners of fire is feelong hot tonigt!
[21:00:24] Bryan Mulhall: meant chees-eating surrender monkey.
[21:00:50] Bryan Mulhall: fuck, my spelling gland has prolapsed.
[21:01:26] Bryan Mulhall: how do I blank names, without killing them?
[21:03:16] Bryan Mulhall: scaredy cat. Run away now.

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