secret garden

By freespiral

Up the Rebels!

It's official - I have tonsillitis which has made me very grumpy! I hate not feeling well, it's such a waste of time. Woke up practically unable to swallow so trudged mournfully into Bantry, waited an hour in a grim waiting-room, saw the doctor for 1 minute (45 euros) then got some penicillin - I don't like taking antibiotics either so double grumpiness.

On my way into Bantry I picked up an old lady hitching (perfectly acceptable around here) and was given the low-down for THE match on Sunday (see St Brendan for more information!) - it's going to be tough for the lads; given a long term weather forecast (bad winter) and discussion about the absence of hips and haws - but blessed sacred heart, it's been a good summer!

Bantry is a riot of red and white with the odd bit of blue (the captain is a Bantry man who plays for Bantry Blues - see I was listening). Every car is sporting a Cork flag, the shops have decorated their windows in red and white and almost every house has red and white bunting and Cork flags flying. On Sunday almost every man, woman and child will be wearing red! I'm getting quite excited myself! Keep you posted!

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