
By 4Boys4Girls

Practising the spoon trick

The boys slept very well on the plane and were in great moods upon arrival. I watched 4 movies and got no sleep.

Leo and Noah practised their tricks from last year of sticking a spoon on their noses. I can't do it so don't ask me how it is done (no boogers or other sticky things involved).

I almost blipped Noah with his cousin Josie or this one of Noah drinking his tea.

At the airport we were the last in a very long line waiting to get through passport control. We decided to just leave our bags at one end with Viggo watching them. He happily lay on the floor next to the bags and calmly watched all the people walk past wondering why he was lying on the floor. He has more confidence than almost anyone I know.

Edit: I replaced the spoon trick as I much pref this image of Noah playing happily with his cousin Josie (who is visiting from Mauritius).

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