Snapping Aboot

By rxpell

The Swan (LK.243)

Beautiful sunny afternoon today and I headed up to Macduff to take some pics ... after a walk about the town, I headed into the harbour area and amidst the big modern fishing boats, I saw one that was very different ... an old drifter ... when I saw its registration I was delighted LK. 243 *, "The Swan" ... this is a Fifie built in Lerwick in 1900 that is now restored and operated by The Swan Trust.

Now apart from being pleased to see such an old traditional vessel still afloat, my reason for being so pleased is that this vessel has a tune written in her honour and called "The Swan (LK.243)" by Scottish harpist Catriona Mackay .. I've always loved the tune and wondered if I'd ever see the ship ... well today I did, totally unexpectedly in Macduff !

On the way back home, one tune was on repeat on the MP3 player in the car :-)

* Fishing boats have a registration that starts with a port code, then a series of numbers. LK = Lerwick. The number on this one appears to have a red line through it, not sure what that means ... maybe its laid up for winter now ?

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