Claire Anne

By ClaireAnne

First steps

Lily Mae took her first steps this evening. For me, Gran, Aunty Sarah and Kayla. She was holding onto the couch and we were singing twinkle twinkle, Lily Mae got distracted with the singing, let go to do some actions and took a step to Aunty Sarah. She is up to three steps at a time now. Daddy missed it he was at work but was informed of the great achievement by a very excited and proud Mommy squealing down the phone at him. He will have to wait till tomorrow to see if she shall toddle for him or stick to the quicker means of mobilising, crawling.
Not a great photo, she wouldn't cooperate performing for me. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to catch it on a video.

Lily Mae would like to say how proud of her Grandad she is for coming second in the Unstaged competition. Well done Grandad.

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