Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Stages of a Morning Glory

Here is an update on my son's situation. There was a hearing today because his ex-wife filed a modification of the parenting plan and requested to move to NY with the children. My son had been served papers, and he had filed other papers that the judge had told him to file, but, unfortunately, no one told him that he was supposed to file a paper to contest her request to modify the parenting plan. So, he lost!

My son tried to explain to the judge that he was not informed that he was supposed to file a paper to contest it, but the judge said, "That's too bad." Anyway, she gets to move the girls to NY and the judge says he gets to have them 2 wks in December, 2 weeks in March, and 4 weeks in the summer. The judge told her that the person moving away has to pay the traveling fees for the children to see the other parent. Of course, she told the judge she will do that, but I will believe it when I see it.

The judge told my son that he could file for custody, if he wanted to later on, but I think my son is totally defeated. The last few months have been so hard on him because, even though the girls seem to love to be with him, after a few days, each time they are with him, they start getting very disrespectful and call their mother to come and get them. She has worked to manipulate their minds and convince them that he and his family are terrible people. I have been trying to talk to them, and invite them places, and they send nasty messages back to me. I will continue to send "I love you" messages, though, as long as I live. I will not be defeated by someone who is so full of herself that she can't see what harm all of this is doing to the children. Some day, she will regret everything she has done.

On that note, I put together a collage of the stages of a morning glory as it buds. These were in my back yard.

I'm looking forward to a better day.

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