Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

not out........

i hate to use a cricketing term but there it is. i won't go into my dislike for the game...maybe another days rant.

well as the number says it is blip number 100 and without a break in the run. i'm quite chuffed about that. it's been strange the last couple of weeks i have been very aware of how close i was getting to the 100th blip and have been getting a tad stressed about it. worrying if i'll get a blip or miss one and lose the perfect run. bit daft really, after all this is supposed to be fun.

have been reflecting on a lot of things recently. it probably has a lot to do with trying to move back home. one thing it made me think about is would i continue with blip when i do? i didn't set out to use this as a tool to let granny and the rest of the family see how the bairn was doing but that seems to have incorporated itself into it. when i move back that part will become redundant, plus i won't be living in london anymore and can therefore no longer bitch about it.

hopefully getting a dslr for christmas will encourage me to keep on going. i have to admit to being hooked to blip and just taking pics in general now. it would be nice to try and learn more about photography but even if i don't just to be able to take a decent shot would be nice. i am under no illusion that i am an artist with a camera in any way but i have been quite pleased with a few out of the last one hundred. it would be nice to think that some of you have enjoyed any of my pics as much as i have enjoyed wasting away hours looking at the many and varied talents here in blipland.

i would like to say thank you to every one who has looked at my pics or left comments. please feel free to keep doing it, it's nice to get feedback.

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