Compost Mentis

By megatonlove

Bella's sculpture (#3)

Another beautiful piece by my talented friend Bella, this one in Italian alabaster. Although it looks like two pieces joined together, it's actually just one continuous piece. The edges are so fine, almost paper thin, and the skill required to do this kind of work without shattering the alabaster is quite remarkable. It was her first alabaster piece, made some 20 years ago, and it belongs to a private collection.

Sculpture # 1

Sculpture # 2

Village fete update:

At 11 this morning, Les Fanfares, the local marching band, wearing mauve capes, lumbered through sleepy streets to blast everyone awake with samba music. It was the most lugubrious samba music I have ever heard. The tuba player at the back of the band looked like he'd had a particularly heavy night, and compensated for this by drowning the trumpets out. One of the trombone players turned around to protest and narrowly missed braining one of the clarinets. Altogether they sounded like a pack of demented donkeys. I am not joking. When Les Fanfares stopped to play in front of our house (bad move), my dear husband decided to have a bit of fun and played the Cocteau Twins on full volume. We have very powerful speakers in our living room, so they got the message and moved on. Luckily they did, because T was about to put on Le Mystere de Voix Bulgares next. It's the final day of all this madness, thank goodness.

I didn't venture outside to take any pictures a) because I was still in pyjamas and b) because I did not want to traumatise my ears any further.

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