Plus ça change...

By SooB

Wavering moon

Today we abandoned the children to the care of my parents, where we stayed last night - it was mum's old typewriter with her very young hands modelling yesterday's blip. We headed down to our college reunion. The dinner itself is tomorrow, but we took the chance of two days away on our own like a shot, and arrived nice and early.

First, some shopping in the Bicester retail village - a designer outlet village. Quite terrifying. I saw one quite nice dress, in the Diane von Furstenberg shop that was reduced to £385. I nearly passed out. I mean, that was half price, for a small swatch of jersey cotton. Tsk. Not the place for me.

After reacquainting ourselves with our college (they still haven't got around to oiling the squeaky gate into my old lodgings) and getting over the shock of memories (and half-memories, and things I was told I did but don't remember at all) from being in a room just a couple down from my first year room 22 years ago, we headed off to hit the highlights of Oxford. Well, the highlights that we remember anyway. So, a blur of pubs, and the wonderful Hi-Lo restaurant - quite the grumpiest, mouldiest Caribbean restaurant you could imagine. Unbeatable. Sadly no curried goat. Mr B hadn't been there since College, though I'd dragged work colleagues there for late night patties and dancing a few times.

More pubs, then some panic late night blipping. No tripod.... I used a bike, but realised too late that the foreground was all bike basket, and the bike was wonky. So I used Mr B as my tripod.

And off we wavered home, back where we first met.

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