In Tru Life

By TruLife

Great Big Sister!

Madeleine is soooo helpful with Floriana but much more than that, she is a kind, loving and fun big sister too! She is so sweet to her and this tender image shows how close they are. Maddy sat for ages this morning watching Dora with Flori and got her really enthusiastic by singing along and pointing things out. I just had to capture it, as not only was Floriana really enjoying it but Madeleine was in her element too.

I had my first hangover for 18 months this morning as last night I had my first night out in 18 months. It was just a body shop party but it was really fun and I had a lovely time. I didn't like the sore head though! I must have drank about 6 litres of water today to rehydrate and an earlyish night will help too!

Maddy went to the cinema with Daddy this afternoon and saw Marmaduke which they say was good. The timing was all wrong for me to take Flori so we came home and had baby-mummy time!

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