Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

More Experimenting

So - regular viewers will know that my comfort zone when it comes to photography centres firmly around architecture and basically things that don't move. Or look back at me. Occasionally I push myself out of that comfort zone to take general picture of groups of people, but never individuals.

However, I started with the week by experimenting and I thought I'd finish the week with another experiment. I've also noticed that my blips have been going through a grim phase, peaking with yesterday's particularly dark one and I thought I'd try and snap out of that, at least temporarily.

Today's photo is of H1 - friend, colleague and one of my most favourite people :-) Even though I've taken her photo before, in a "holiday snap" sort of way, I felt odd taking specific portrait of her, so ended up snapping away, rather than thinking about how best to set everything up to get the best photo. I definitely need to work on lighting, for a start.

I clearly have a LOT to learn about taking photos of people, but I'm determined not to simply sit in my comfort zone (although I have spotted a couple of boarded up buildings that I'm hoping to blip this weekend ;-)

I have endless admiration for blippers who can approach random people and take their photo.....!

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