
By Poppy

Winter coats on.

This is one of the little Shetland that I look after. He and his sister keep Nimbus company! He's such a nice nature and a lovely little chap, but tends to be at the bottom of the pecking order and the two mares quite often give him a hard time. You have to smuggle treats to him while they aren't looking!

It's been a lazy day today, did the washing etc this morning, checked the ponies, went to get the local paper from the village and spent the rest of the morning catching up with a good friend.

This afternoon I slept. All afternoon. Till 7pm!

I am in hibernation mode and unfortunately it may welll last until about April. I have a light box, I go out as much as I can and I have tried all sorts of weird and wonderful methods of coping with it over the years, but sleep is generally the best solution.

I just have to exhaust Ollie in the morning so he sleeps too!

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