Monkey goes scrambling

12 months + 1 day (too big for counting in weeks now!)

Well, Katie, Ava and their little friend Sophia definitely looked more grown up at gymnastics today... being one makes such a difference :) She had a great time, she'd opened a couple more presents before we went, a lovely bead frame held her attention for quite a long time!

After gymnastics, we went to soft play but she spent most of it wanting to eat! She's much much brighter and her tummy seems a lot happier. We came home and she had a sleep, before getting up and having a really good play with some new toys (as she has just one or two to try!). We did more present opening, a bit more play, a bit more present opening. A quick walk out to the post office, then back home for tea, and more present opening!

Scramble bug was a definite success. She was only distracted from it when she spotted Monkey in the highchair and wanted him rescuing to come play on the bug with her!

In other news, Katie's second tooth has finally cut!! Exactly two months after Tooth 1 appeared. At this rate, we've only got another three more years of teething to go through....!

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