My Angle

By myangle

Mr Fluffy

Mr Fluffy is the surgery cat at Jo's work at the moment.

He has been a bit down on his luck lately .

The Cat Rescue Society brought him in a week ago. The people who were looking after him couldn't afford to pay for a big vet bill. The society looks after cats who are basically unwanted, uncared for and abused. Sadly many of them are on the way out.
When they brought Mr Fluffy (not his real name but the one the gorls at the surgery have given him) into the surgery he was having some bowel problems. He is old. Things don't work so well any more. The ladies at the surgery gave him something to help him go which has worked with limited success. The bottom line is that even if he can go on his own, he will still need to be medicated for the rest of his life.

This is the bit where Jo comes in. He might not make it but what time he does have left he will be happy and cared for. The girls have been feeding him and Jo is hoping that he can become a member of the team at the vet. Hopefully the Cat Society won't ask for him back.

The only problem with doing this sort of thing is it almost always ends in heartache. The way Jo is looking at it is that Mr Fluffy will spend his last days, however many they are, in a loving environment. He really is an affectionate little fellow.

All he needs to do is poo regularly and he is set.


After a long day at work I came home in the mood for cooking. When I cook I don't muck about. I discovered a wholesale butcher today near my work and bought 3 kilos (6 and a half pounds) of mince. At $5 (2.10 GBP) a kilo it is 1/3 the price of the supermarkets. Bargain! By the time I had finished I had cooked around 15 litres in volume of spaghetti bolognaise. I do so much because I make I meals for Jo' Dad which can be frozen and easily defrosted. He can't cook for himself so me doing is my little way of helping. At around $1 an portion, it makes for very economical catering too. I like good value.

So we had spag-boll for dinner. I made a vegetarian version for Jo.

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