Clare's Symi

By claresymi

Hronia Polla!

Literally translated from the Greek this means 'Many Years' or in its more recognizable form 'Many Happy Returns' and is used as a general greeting on birthdays and other special days such as Easter and Christmas, although many of these days also have their own, more specific greetings.

In Greece (and I would imagine, all Orthodox Christian countries) today is the name day (or yiorti- celebration/feast) for St Dimitri and pictured here is the youngest of my numerous friends and acquaintances who will be celebrating today. The slightly puzzled look he's sporting is his default expression but when he smiles it could light up the whole harbour - unfortunately he wasn't in a smiley mood this morning.

As Jimmy is often used as the diminutive of Dimitri I should also say Hronia Polla to all the Jimmys, Jims and James's out there. Have a great day and don't eat too much cake!

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