In Tru Life

By TruLife

Goodbye Murals!

When Madeleine was little I painted fairy murals on her bedroom wall, but today we have changed bedrooms round, and we've been in our bedrooms for 8 years! It was hard painting over these murals especially the little one above Madeleine as it is actually copied from a photograph of her when she was little!

It was hard work for hubby today as he had to move furniture, lift carpet, paint a whole room and gloss, fit a carpet, and then move our furniture in! I must say well done to him and thank you, because despite my best measuring and planning skills, he found a much better configuration for our furniture and it looks great! Maddy is sleeping in our bed as she's a bit unsure of her new room and we had planned for us all to sleep in one room since we thought it'd take longer to switch. The baby had to wait longer to get to bed and wasn't too happy, but it'll be worth it to get our room done in one day.

Toys, clothes and children's furniture for me to sort out tomorrow! ARGGGGGG!

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