Lovely Leah

Study session for Immunology tomorrow. I need to make a 100 on the final to get an A in the class. Since I'm posting this on Friday morning... let me just go ahead and say that didn't happen as planned.
That was a lot of information crammed into two weeks.. I did my best though - I'm certain of it. I just don't really want to see the grades posted.
The weekend's almost here though.

5 things:
1. It felt really nice to study by myself for the most of the day. Felt like I got a lot done.
2. I went to bed at 10pm.. but I couldn't help it. I was so utterly exhausted. I don't think it would have helped to stay awake any longer... there was a moment when I realized that I had slipped precariously beyond the threshold of sleepy to complete delirium. That moment was when I thought I was being attacked by a butterfly. It terrified me for the longest second of my life. In hindsight, I should have taken a nap at that point. Alas, I did not.
3. I showered before class this morning and put on real clothes... so I looked like a real, live, presentable human with makeup and brushed hair. Why this is out of the ordinary? Hmm.. It shouldn't be... I'm just happy for the extra effort I put in to make myself feel feminine. I should chase that feeling more often.
4. Dinner for Two at Central Market with LEAH. What a fantastic (and cheap?!) idea! Honey Garlic flank steak, Yukon Garlic mashed potatoes, Asian slaw... the entire meal with two portions for $14?! I feel like I should be in a fast food commercial ($13.99 are you out of your mind??)
5. Tea. Tea brings me joy. Especially with the air just a little bit chillier. I love hot tea. T-E-A. Aromatic and warm. I'm drinking some right now.


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