All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

11 hours 15 minutes!

Yes, you read the title right - that's how long Ethan slept for last night - woo hoo! He also napped for an hour in his pushchair late morning after we went for a walk - yay!

Unfortunately after that, the day went downhill! Ethan & I were due to go to a babies Halloween party at a friends house in Glasgow this afternoon which we were really looking forward to. We were half way along the M8 when I got a call which meant I had to abandon that and head over to Beith instead to deal with a family emergency. Didn't get back till late this evening having spent the afternoon dealing with the police, forensics and insurance companies. Not a good day.

As a result, I didn't get many photos taken today (although I did seriously think about asking the forensics chap if I could blip him, lol)! I did take this on my morning walk to Morrisons though. Not very exciting but it's a bridge I seem to walk across most days so I guess it deserves to be blipped!

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