
By FauxPunk

Stupid Guitar Only Knows 3 Chords

Strange thing happened today. Established yesterday that my phone had corrected its own time yesterday, when the clocks went back. Great smashing super. Except... although the clock knew it had changed, my alarm didn't go off at 7 this morning (when it was set) to get me up... instead it went off at 8 when I was already half-way to work. Just lucky I was awake anyway. Hoping I've managed to fix it for Tuesday!

Not much of note happened today, except Mathew COMPLAINED that I was doing housework... strange boy. Oh and he got a lovely new car for his driving instructing... here's hoping his other job give him redundancy so he doesn't have to just walk away when he goes full time with the driving.

It seems I moved my head while I was taking this shot - everything else was pretty sharp, so that's the only reason I can think of for my blurry face. Tried to tart it up a bit with some artistic processing, but it still looks a bit hash-bash and amateurish. I think I will revisit this idea when I have more time to check the image on laptop, rather than camera screen! Need a bit more light on the guitar as well so you can tell that's what it is!

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