Don't you just hate it...
... when you get back from a great, albeit illness- and injury-filled, holiday, to find the cooker encrusted with burnt-on grease, the bathroom sink splattered with dried toothpaste, the dogs proudly sporting dreadlocks, fox poo and cling-ons, and very many more nasties I'm still discovering nearly a week later. What I really really hate though is the way some grown adults are incapable of replacing the empty loo roll on the simple hook arrangement I sourced deliberately, thinking the previous spring-loaded model was probably a bit too much for those left behind, all with university degrees. And how much paper can one and a half people go through anyway????
I'm still miffed about this as I back-blip it, although it doesn't help that I came down with Enya's lurgy as soon as we got back and have been too ill to blip or comment, although I've taken a few (crappy) pics each day to post when I can lift my arms to the keyboard for more than 5 minutes at a time. Still struggling, and it doesn't help that my laptop with all my editing software has gone to the place PC World sends poorly laptops. Like me, it just wouldn't power up...
*edit: oh bugger, the picture got rotated and I really can't be arsed uploading it again after struggling with it for what seems hours. Just put your right ear on your shoulder or turn the screen, ok? I'm not well, y'know, but do I expect sympathy? Well it would be nice...
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