Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

Almost there....

Progress is being made, from here! to today!

The walls could be better, but I just could not face the trauma of papering and four coats of matt white will, and does, cover a multitude of sins. they look remarkably good for being over 100 years old!

Today I replaced the sockets, so instead of the miserly total of three we now have six! ...daughter of a diy fiend, I learned my lessons well! Thanks Dad!

Also took down the antique-y gold chandelier and painted it a fetching shade of purple, so that will be going back up tomorrow.

And the worst part of the flooring....through the door to the landing with all the shaping round the frames... is done, it's a straight run now to the back wall, with only the hearth stone to negotiate!

The rebuilding of the wardrobes would have gone better if I had not relied upon Mr C&D's glib assurance that the drawer body was "definitely the right way up" was not and poor babymuppet and I had to unscrew it, tip it over and rescrew it....he WILL be punished!

With any luck babymuppet will be back in her own room before we know it!

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