In Tru Life

By TruLife

Happy 21st!

It was my nephew's 21st birthday today so we headed over to the West to my mum's house first to see her and my little nephew Mitchell who she looks after on a Saturday. We had a nice lunch and chats and the little cousins played... very noisily... but happily!

Afterwards we headed over to my sister's to set up for a little party for one of my big nephews who is 21 today! Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Jon and I hope you continue on the successful route you've taken in recent times. You've become a really lovely, witty, handsome, kind, intelligent young man!

Maddy and her cousin Mitchell always get on like a house on fire and today they were joined by an increasingly mobile and interesting Floriana. Mitchell and Madeleine adore her so she had lots of fun too. I took a few shots of them but none came out just right. This one is of the big cousins pulling faces at Flori through the kitchen door and you can just see Flori's eyes crinkling up at the corners where she's creasing up with laughter!

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