As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Chris' Eagle Ceremony

Today was my brother Chris' Eagle Scout ceremony.

We set up for it at 10:00, went home, and went back at 2:00. The ceremony started at 3:00 and went on for about 2 hours. Food after, then dessert, and I finally got to go home at 7:00.

When I got home I got to work on a global paper that I've had for a month and it's due Monday. I spent 4 and a half hours working on it. It's 4 pages long, single spaced, size 14 font. It would have been a lot easier if he actually taught us social studies...but no. This paper came straight out of my butt and then I sprinkled some magic internet dust on it.

I <3 the internet.

These are the three musketeers. Mike, my brother Chris, and James. They've been friends forever. This is a now and then picture. They were in Cub Scouts together and now they're in Boy Scouts together. I think they'll be friends for life.

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