Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

Will i, won't i?

well as you can see i did.
for those of you that don't know this is Will Carling, the captain of englands rugby union team from 1988 to 1996.

now firstly i must throw myself upon the alter and pray for forgiveness, for you see folks i have sinned. today was my dreaded works annual awards event and even though i knew Will was going to be the guest speaker i (like a complete t**t) left my camera at home. so the crappy image is due to me having to use my phone to take this picture. and no it's not out of focus i really do look like that (it really isn't a good angle for me).

anyway after enduring hours of speeches, workshops and pointless awards we got to the one highlight of the day. now i am not a big Will Carling fan, to be honest i always thought he came across as a bit of a tool. but i have had to change my opinion. he was quite articulate and rather witty. he told a few old rugby stories which were amusing and probably nowhere near as good as the ones he could tell out of the publics eye. so once he had finished his bit and given out some more awards, he left and our deputy CEO took over....AGAIN. so i took my opportunity and stood up in front of 300 people and went out to get my shot. again only to happy to pose for a picture and exchange a few words. nice bloke. good job he got lost trying to get out of the hotel or i may have missed my chance.

back to the good old cybershot tomorrow and i'll try and stay off the screen, once a year is enough i think.
have a good weekend folks.........

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