A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts


Hello dear fellow blippers! I've missed you all very much. You've been on my mind much of this time that I've been away. I am not at all sure that I can make it back to being a regular committed blipper, but I need some contact with the outside world. And what better way to contact many dear friends who live all over the world than this. So here I am. Thank you so much to those of you who left me 'missing you' comments. I did not check them until today, so I'm not sure how long ago those comments were left. My heart is warmed even now thinking of each of you.

Here's a bit of an update:

My dad has come, rather suddenly, to live with us. This sweet 85 year old needed a place to live desperately (I'll spare you the not so pretty details) and although he has always been welcome, moving from warm sunny Southern California to the extreme climate in Chicago was not really an option for him. He didn't want to make that kind of a change and he didn't know if his health would hold up to make the trip. Honestly, he was afraid he 'wouldn't make it.' I, quite honestly, wasn't sure if THIS MUCH change would be good for him at this point in his life. But change was inevitable and he's too young to go live in a lonely 'old folks home,' so one day about ten days ago he said, "I'm ready to go to Debbie's" and my incredible niece quickly pulled together all the details and traveled with him the very next day. I'm still shaking my head that she was able to get all his meds refilled/picked up, airline reservations secured, help him pack, and clear her own schedule to travel with him, in twelve hours. All of it miraculous in my opinion. There's no other way of seeing it.

So, he's here with us, still trying to adjust to it all. There is much I must learn about myself, like how to be a helpful loving caretaker (not that he needs that much for now) while giving him the independent space he craves and while taking care of myself. He no longer drives so I am taking him wherever he needs to go. His to-do list is getting shorter: New doctor, new recliner, medical records transferred, flu shot, getting his belongings shipped, shopping, cooking, sorting out this and that and the other...keeping him warm enough and preparing him for the long cold winter ahead, that will be impossible for him to grasp...while making sure that he feels loved and appreciated. I'm exhausted, to tell the truth, but I don't know what else to do. My own stuff: personal care, soap business, friends, quiet time, chicken time...it's all been set aside for now.

Carol, if you're reading this, thank you so much for sending Morgan a birthday gift!!! What a love you are. We will celebrate this Saturday and I will take the gift. Morgan will be so surprised :). She is a special darling happy child and I am anxious to show you current pics.

So, for today, here is my dad at the coolest barber shop I've ever seen. It's a small and very old shop with four barbers all working busily to make the men in the community handsome, including this 85 year old gem.

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