The second half of life..

By twigs


It's been hot and muggy here today - the 'official' temperature was 24 but it was still 24 degrees when I got home at 6.00pm! Pah! My heat radar said it would have been about 27-plus in the middle of the day ;)

The kids were restless but survived - even after a full-on work out in the gym. Bless 'em :)

I was going to do some more planting tonight but ended up only doing a little before the bugs started biting - so I knocked off early and headed indoors for a glass of wine .'}

The water issue (or lack of!) is beginning to look like it could get serious. The weather forecasters are saying we could be in for a long drought spell unless we get some appreciable rain before the end of the month. So much for spending money on lovely, fresh, vibrant plants!!

Anyway - this shot is of the stamen of a plant which has emerged somewhere I wasn't expecting anything. I do vaguely recall getting some bulbs from a friend and planting them last year so it's nice know that these random plantings survived!!

Bed early again tonight - the heat has made me very tired.

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