
By spitzimixi

lions in house

last night we entered the teenage years. Andie was 13 on Wednesday and she invited some friends for a sleepover last night. And so an evening of giggling, talking rubbish, eating too much and watching movies ensued. Mobile phones are, of course, the most fascinating topic of conversation ever and there was a lot of comparing phones, fiddling with phones, trying out different ringtones and making videos with the phone of friends making videos on their phones. One of the girls brought some films along for us to watch, which was really great fun. One of the films was E.T., one of my big favourites and one I would NEVER have thought of showing them, as it's so old. When I was a wee one, I was always called E.T. as it's my initials and E.T. was one of the first films I ever saw in the cinema. It's such a sweet film!
We played a variation on pass the parcel - in fact a kind of hybrid of pass the parcel and the chocolate game. The parcel was made of many layers of paper with sample size cosmetics and chocolate bars hidden in each layer. The girls had to throw a 6 with the dice to get a chance to upwrap...and to unwrap they had to put on the lion hat and my pirate mittens and then they could try to take off a layer of tissue paper...not an easy task! I was a bit nervous when one lion discovered that she could just shake the parcel really hard and everything would fall out, she ended up winning all the rest of the prizes...and then shared them all out "because it wouldn't be fair if I got them all" bless her!
It was a great night, they actually slept in the end and we could sleep too and, after a nice breakfast together, they've all gone home, I've washed up and cleaned up and we can get on with the weekend - which will include a trip to the shopping mall to spend spend spend the birthday money!

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