As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

This One's A Keeper

Days like these...

My entire day was FANTASTIC!!! Of course, there was one little hitch...

I'm going to vent, so if you don't care about hearing my problems, skip the next paragraph.

SD:OFIS:DOIEFNSE:IVSEV:EB!!!!!!!!!!! My whole day was going along great until global. We got our averages and I was expecting no lower than a 98 due to how laughably easy that class is. BUT as I arrive at the computer and he shows me my average, IT'S A 94!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For most people, this is a fine average. And I would accept it under normal circumstances, i.e. I deserved that grade, but NO! My grades are something like 100, 100, 90, 100, 100, 100, 98, 100. (More or less) Also, he claims that I "missed two homeworks" WHICH I DID NOT!!! (or at least I don't think I did, but still!) Factor in a participation grade (most likely 100) and tell me how you get a 94 average? I try to think that my teacher is just settling in here (he's from upstate) but it's been 10 weeks and he still doesn't teach us, his tests/quizzes are jokes, and SOOPFEOFEVE I don't like him. Multiple students have talked to their guidance counselors and so far, nothing. On Monday, about 6 of us are going to our guidance counselor and talking about it again. I certainly don't want him to be fired, but I want to learn. I NEED to learn! I asked him to show me my grades and he did, and they were basically what's seen above. HOW DO YOU GET A 94 FROM THAT!?!?!?! I asked him how he got that average, and all he said was "I put these numbers into the computer and this is what I got." From the grades I had in my notebook, my average should have been a 98. The only possible explanation is if he gave me something like a 70 for class participation, which would be JUST PLAIN STUPID considering I answer a normal amount of questions and practically do the work for the kids around me (like every class....sigh) when we get into groups (not that he notices). Even though he caught me reading in his class twice (he wasn't saying anything important anyway and I was SO in love with this book) he still should give me a decent enough participation grade. Also, people that are (I hate to say it, but I'm going to anyway) not as smart as me are getting averages only a few points below me and in some cases, MANY POINTS ABOVE ME!!! He gave us an essay to do comparing two ancient civilizations. I got a 100 and it counted THREE TIMES!!!! The person sitting next to me got a 60 on that but his average was only a 90! The grades for his other tests/quizzes certainly were not enough to bring his average back up after that. SO HOW?!?!?!?! UGHHHHHH!!!!!!! Global is officially my lowest average, and now my chances at being the salutatorian are hurt. :'(

But as Jaclyn said, "When you're facing a brick wall, friends bring a wrecking ball".

True, although we won't get violent with our global teacher...but me and my friends need to do something about him. Maybe some teaching classes? Or an anonymous complaining session with possible fixes? Who knows?

"I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world" - Thomas Edison

My friends might not be the best at everything, but I LOVE THEM! Right after track, as I was waiting for my mom to pick me up, I saw a group of my friends hanging out by this tree with AMAZING yellow leaves right my the front to the school. They ran to me and described their wild leaf fight that I just missed. My mom came and brought me camera as I had asked. We spent 20 minutes fooling around as I directed them in an attempt to get some awesome pictures. I got some really cool ones! Today's blip choice was definitely a tough one.

Me laying on the ground while they threw leaves above me.
The gang throwing leaves.
Sophie and Maggie :)

I sat at home until 7:30, when we met up at Friendly's. I'm officially broke now :( Oh well, it was worth it! It ended up being me, Brianna, Sophie, Carly, Maggie, Alyssa, Melissa, and Katie. Even though we were at different tables, WE HAD A BLAST!!! When our drinks came, Maggie and Sophie were in the bathroom taking a whiz (Sophie made me say that). Maggie ordered a Royal Razz but our waitress brought a Shirley Temple. Me and Brianna chugged the entire thing before they got back! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! It was tough, but it tasted soooooo good! The waitress offered to bring out a Royal Razz if Maggie didn't like the Shirley Temple so we figured we could just say she didn't like it and get another. We did, so Maggie still got a drink :) While we were eating, Sophie took an apple and stuck it in her mouth. We have no clue where that second chin came from... Then, during the wonderful time that was dessert, Sophie stuck gummebears to her face. She's a strange one, BUT SHE'S THE BEST!!! We went to Maggie's house after we finished eating. I got home around 11:00.....

What an interesting day.

This is a picture I took of Brianna. It's edited....but I think it looks cool. It would've looked nicer naturally if there wasn't a parking lot in the background and if the sun was a wee bit higher in the sky (I've been reading too many journals from The UK and such...). In my mind, it was more magical...Brianna's getting too tall to model as a young child. :(

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